Wisconsin LEDR Team
Who we are
The LEDR Team is a passionate group of law enforcement professionals who volunteer their time to assist agencies and survivors who have experienced a law enforcement death, regardless of the circumstances. The team is comprised of current and former law enforcement officers, licensed mental health providers and other professionals.
Why we exist
We provide an immediate response and help with death notifications, stress management debriefings, peer counseling and family support. We also help with funeral planning, media coordination, and the long term work of obtaining benefits and other services for the survivors. We also provide state wide training to agencies in the areas of Prevention and Preparation. The ultimate goal for the team is to prevent ever having to be used.
How to help
Our team members are volunteers who passionately donate their time and energy to assisting survivors. But, they do frequently incur many personal expenses during these responses such as gas, food and lodging; it is not unusual for us to spend several days in a community after a death to assist the agency and prepare for the funeral. Your support allows the team to respond quickly and help manage a law enforcement death for agencies and families. The LEDR team appreciates any support community members and organizations can provide to help the team respond to any request for services.

Law Enforcement Personnel
If your agency is in need of immediate assistance please contact us here
If your agency is looking for resources such as sample policies, employee packets, check lists, preparation materials, etc. click here
Members Area
Law enforcement personnel can request a log in which will give access to personal resources and forums. This requires a department email address to verify law enforcement status.
Introduction to the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Death Response Team by LEDR Team Founder, Retired Chief Jerry JansenFew Chiefs or Sheriffs can think of any news in their profession that is worse than hearing that one of your officers or deputies has died. It is a tragedy that tears at every emotion, yet the affected agency head must still be able to move quickly to assist the officer’s immediate family as well as the law enforcement family to which we all belong. Lack of timely action by the Chief or Sheriff, or worse, inaction; will have long lasting consequences for the police leader as well as the agency itself. ...